“..Drew is a masterful Musician, and doing it all without a prompter, notes, or even a tuner was very impressive.”-Douglas, NE
“…All Bob Dylan Fans should check this out. He’s probably the closest sounding to Dylan than anyone else on earth.” -@greekguitarman via youtube
“SEE THIS SHOW!!! …I was blown away! Drew is an incredible talent and this is a ‘must see’ for any Dylan fan! Cannot recommend it any higher! Just terrific!” -Charlie H. -CT
“…This man embodies the heart and soul and yes- the EXACT way Dylan sounds during his very best performances- and sometimes I caught myself in tears because he gives it everything and nails it. He brought me back to another time and place, and for that I am forever grateful. I’ve played guitar my entire life and his skills are amazing, both on guitar and harmonica. Throw in Dylan’s voice and his soul and you have something truly special. I will look for him again. Even if you’re not a Dylan fan, I believe you will have a great experience!” - Kel K.- Putnam, CT
Chrome Horse is bringing it all back home—
Drew Gabbert, Texas-based veteran musician (Fate Lions, Sunward, Glymmur), has set the table and is serving up an authentic Dylan experience with a repertoire that spans six decades of material.
Gabbert offers up a mysterious ability to embody the many voices of Dylan with accuracy and reverence – as if singing through a hall of mirrors. Close your eyes and you’ll be thoughtfully carried through the young man in old man’s clothes, drifting past the country croon, and held firmly by the elder statesman. These eras with their ancient muses are captured by Gabbert fluently.
It must be said, by deliberately eschewing present day technology and electronics, the musical presentation remains intact and precise. Visually, the performance is striking – musically, the performance is unmatched.